After-School and Vacation Care: Petite Section and Moyenne Section
The school daycare is available for children in Petite and Moyenne Section (Preschool and Kindergarten). During the school term, the daycare is open from Monday to Friday, from 3:30 PM to 5:45 PM. Please note that daycare spots are limited and require prior registration on Eduka.
The daycare is closed during the summer vacation (July-August) and the winter break (December-January). However, it remains open during other school holidays between 8:00 AM and 5:45 PM.
Registrations can be completed on Eduka. For more information about the Preschool/Kindergarten daycare, you can also contact Gabriela Garza, the daycare supervisor, at
Outside of school hours:
Kindergarten to Year 5 - TeamKids
TeamKids provides an after-school care program for students from Grande Section to 6ème (Year 6) at Lycée Condorcet. The Lycée Condorcet Outside School Hour Care (OSHC) is part of a broad network of after-school care managed by TeamKids and operates on-site at LCS. TeamKids encourages children to engage in fun and exciting experiences, explore their talents, and realise their natural potential.
Various team sports, dance, discussions, as well as activities like art and crafts are offered. Homework is supervised, and TeamKids promotes a healthy lifestyle for all children. In the afternoon, a snack is provided following government dietary recommendations. Children are also encouraged to participate in active outdoor games.
After-school care in the afternoon starts at 3:15 PM(3:25 PM for elementary) or 5.15 PM after AES activities and ends at 6:00 PM. During LCS school holidays, the leisure center is open from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Please note that spots are limited.
For more information, please contact TeamKids – Lycée Condorcet at the following number: 1300 035 000 or via email: