Welcome to Lycée Condorcet
We thank you for your interest in our school. The LCS admissions team is available to answer any questions you may have. Please find the essential information about our admission procedure below. We work actively to provide the best possible education and well-being conditions for our students, and it is therefore essential that families are committed to their children’s education at LCS in the long-term.
LCS establishes a monthly admissions committee schedule to review all enrollment applications throughout the year. As an example, for the 2025-2026 school year, applications will be reviewed by the committee starting from September 2024. These committees are a necessary step in the admission process but not sufficient. After the acceptance of the application, the student’s place is guaranteed only if the desired grade level is not full.
Since each family project is unique, it is important to contact our admissions office to discuss the student’s application as early as possible. In the event of withdrawals during the year, we have the opportunity to offer places to children remaining on the waiting list, of an age to be enrolled. In our ongoing commitment to providing the best teaching and well-being conditions for our students, it is essential that the family project aligns with the school’s vision and is part of a long-term educational approach. Registration requests are made online on the website. Please find below a tutorial to help you submit an enrolment application.
Enrolment Procedure
Create an application file on Eduka and upload the compulsory documents. Once your file has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation via email.
Pay the application fee of 250 AUD (non-refundable) in order for your application to be reviewed.
Application reviewed
The admissions committee studies applications for the current school year fortnightly. Students may be asked to carry out an assessment.
An offer is sent
If the application is approved and a place is available, an offer will be sent.
Upload documents
Pay the registration fee and upload enrolment documents onto the Eduka platform.
Congratulations! Your child’s enrolment is now confirmed.
Specific enrolment information
Pre-Kindy 1 & 2
Children can join our institution from the age of 3. The registration process is the same as in other years, although offers are sent earlier:
– Preschool (PS): between October and November of the year preceding the August school year.
– Moyenne Section (MS): in February of the current registration year, i.e., during the second semester.
Due to the high demand for LCS, students who could not be initially enrolled are placed on a waiting list. Consequently, we strongly recommend parents to submit their applications as early as possible. If your child does not receive an offer at the beginning of the school year, they will remain on the waiting list until a spot becomes available.
As soon as a place becomes available during the school year, offers are sent to parents of eligible children on the waiting list. An essential admission condition is that all children are toilet trained.
Kindergarten & Elementary School
From Kindergarten to Year 5, the Admissions Commission will determine the need to evaluate a child who has not previously studied in the French system. If an evaluation is deemed necessary it will be carried out remotely and the elementary school principal will be able to meet with the child and his/her parents. The results will be given to the family within a few days.
Secondary School
For students from Year 6 to 12, an assessment, particularly in French and mathematics, will be conducted prior to enrolment, and a response will be communicated within the week following this evaluation. It is required that students have a minimum level of proficiency in French to join Lycée Condorcet in Sydney at the secondary level, as the primary language of instruction is French.
More information is available on the junior school pages.
International Baccalaureate
Enrolments in the IB program for Y11 and Y12 are also managed through . Registrations are open for the 2024 intake in IB 1 and IB 2.
The LCS admissions team, as well as the IB coordinator, are at your disposal for any additional information.
To learn more about this program, visit the IB page by clicking here.
Students coming from a non-French school
Children from a non-French school system or a private french institution aged 5 or older (entering Grande Section) must undergo an assessment upon their arrival. This is to ensure that they can seamlessly integrate into their respective age group classes.
Waiting List
Due to the increasing number of applications, we currently have waitlists in certain grades.
Within the limit of available places, priority is given, among others, to siblings, students coming from a school in the AEFE network and students enrolled in a French school in order to guarantee the continuity of the school programme.
The school reserves the right to ask for information about families’ long-term plans for their children and to refuse a pupil whose family plans are not in line with the school project.
Similarly, in exceptional circumstances, the school reserves the right to allocate places beyond its capacity.
Australian law requires that a student must be in good standing with the immigration authorities before attending school. The student must therefore have a valid visa which must be uploaded to Eduka before the first day of school. A tourist visa allows a student to attend school for a maximum of 12 weeks. As the school is limited to a number of students who can be accommodated on student visas, we make a selection. In this case, a letter of motivation from the parents and the student as well as 3 teacher references will be requested. All other students must be able to justify a visa from the Australian authorities. Please note, however, that for children arriving on a tourist visa, Australian law does not allow us to enroll children for more than three months in our school. For any questions regarding visas, please contact: .
A record of vaccinations issued by an Australian doctor must be provided within 10 days of the student’s arrival. All you need to do is make an appointment with a GP with your child’s health record and ask for a statement or letter stating whether your child is up to date with local recommendations. No vaccination is compulsory. However, in the event of an epidemic, if your child is not vaccinated, he or she will not be able to go to school.
As of April 1, 2018, the requirements in terms of vaccinations have been formulated by the Minister of Health to the Principals of primary and secondary schools as follows:
– Require a certificate of immunisation at the time of the child’s enrolment, issued by an Australian doctor or medicare,
– Keep a record of each child’s immunisation status and keep a copy of immunisation certificates approved by an Australian doctor until 3 years after the child leaves,
– Provide a copy of the vaccination certificate to another institution in case of transfer (upon request),
– Inform the public health unit if a child in school contracts a disease for which there is a preventive vaccine, or if they believe that an unvaccinated child in school has been in contact with a person who has contracted a disease for which there is a vaccine,
– Exclude unvaccinated children at risk upon request of the public health officer.
Student Visa - CRICOS
It is possible to come and study at Lycée Condorcet in Sydney without your family. The school can access a limited number of student visas. Due to a high number of applicants, a selection process is in place. Please note that students coming under this arrangement must pay tuition fees as well as accommodation fees with the host family.
Students studying at our institution without their family should contact Global Experience () or Study Vision () for accommodation arrangements.