Junior Secondary School
The transition to junior high – collège – marks a crucial stage in the academic journey, encompassing the period from 11 to 15 years old, where students familiarize themselves with the methods specific to secondary education and prepare for their first examination: the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB). While this holds academic significance by validating the achievements of the middle school, it also serves as a first experience for students to become accustomed to examination conditions and learn to handle stress.
Throughout their time in secondary school, the pedagogical team guides students towards autonomy and imparts the principles of harmonious coexistence. These years allow middle school students to deepen their knowledge and explore new disciplines. The days are punctuated by diverse classes delivered by teachers specialised in their respective subjects. For more information on French educational programs, please refer to the Ministry of National Education’s website.
Key Steps in Junior Secondary School​
- NAPLAN in Year 7 and Year 9.
- DNB – Diplôme national du brevet (National Diploma).
Opening up, flourishing, living together & interpersonal skills
- Sports Program: CAPN, local competitions, Australian Open Melbourne
- Cultural Program: outings, excursions, LCS is a partner of the French Film Festival, etc.
- AEFE Eloquence Contest: Ambassadors in the Making
- Discovery Camps
DNB - French National Brevet Diploma
Exams and Certifications
The DNB is an end of year 9 Knowledge Assessment. To obtain the French National Brevet Diploma (DNB) students must master a common base of knowledge, skills and culture (400 points) and carry out final examinations (400 points). The exams take place in June in Year 9 and consist of 4 written tests (French, Mathematics, History & Geography and Science) and an oral test. Up to 20 additional points are awarded to candidates who have taken optional subjects (Latin or Choir) depending on the level they have acquired at the end of Cycle 4 with regards to the learning objectives of these subjects.

NAPLAN - National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy*

- NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 (CE2, CM2, 5eme and 3eme) sit in March each year. It is the only national assessment that all Australian students do.
- NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills in the Australian Curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time.Ìý
- NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers and schools with additional information about students’ progress.
- NAPLAN is no longer a paper based assessment and students complete the different tests online. With the exception of Year 3 (CE2 Writing) which remains a paper based test.
Parents can learn more about NAPLAN through consulting the ACARA website:Ìý
Each year NAPLAN results are published for all schools on the My Schools website which can be accessed here:Ìý
What are students doing to prepare at school?
English lessons at LCS align with the local NSW English Syllabus and naturally prepare students for the assessments.ÌýStudents will be familiarised with the process of using the computers and assessment platform so that they can confidently complete their NAPLAN exams online.Ìý

Extended British Programme
The LCS primary school programme comprises sufficient instruction hours in language, history and geography to qualify as an Extended Australian Programme and, therefore, all of our primary school students obtain this merit automatically.
In secondary school, however, the school offers the Extended British Programme, which is a separate, selective programme for which students must apply and be wholly invested.
Junior High School: students enrolled in the Extended British Programme have 4 hours of English, 4 hours of English Language and Literature and 1.5 hours of History and Geography in English.
Senior High School: students have 2.5 hours of English, 4 hours of English Language and Literature and 2 hours of History and Geography in English.
Baccalaureate (year 11 – 12): The international version of the French Baccalaureate Diploma is called the BFI, le Baccalauréat Français International.